Avoid At All Costs! These 6 Foods Will Age Your Skin Like Crazy 

Want to hear something crazy? I look lightyears younger approaching 29 than I did at 20. Not only did I have a bartender just tell me, “You’re gonna get carded for the rest of your life,” but I also got asked at the ripe age of 28 if I wanted to see a kid’s menu. (Okay y’all, I’m not trying to look that young!)

Still, despite how embarrassing that whole kid’s menu debacle was — and it was embarrassing — I’m an expert when it comes to looking ridiculously young for my age. My friend — who’s a few years my junior — is constantly trying to uncover my anti-aging secrets and even gave me the nickname “Dorian Gray,” based on the literary character who sells his soul to the devil so he can remain youthful-looking forever. Fortunately for me though, I didn’t have to sell my soul to the lord of the underworld to maintain my cherubic looks. Instead, I simply dabble with RF Microneedling treatments and a total 180 in my diet.    

By and large, the most dramatic change I’ve seen in my appearance came soon after I adjusted my eating habits. In my early 20s, I lived on a diet of candy, gluten, and frozen TV dinners. And don’t talk to me about the frequent wine nights, where I’d chug boxed Pinot Grigio like it was water. (Yeah, I’m not proud of it.) 

Photo Credit: Amit Lahav for Unsplash

When I turned 24, I began to see rapid aging signs on my face that unnerved me a whole lot more than I care to admit. With my deep nasolabial folds and drab skin, I looked at least 15 years older than my actual age. What went wrong? Why was my skin sagging at such a rapid pace? Where was that healthy glow I’d retained all my life? 

I went into panic mode and even consulted several plastic surgeons! Although I was way too young for anti-aging procedures, I was quite desperate. My facial aging was stopping me from living my best life — to the point where I gave up on dating, parties, and even low-key movie nights with my besties. I felt like Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard, a full-on American Diva who spends the film searching for outrageous anti-aging methods that consume her life.

While several plastic surgeons tried to upsell me on multiple procedures that cost a year’s worth of rent, one trusted doctor asked, “What does your diet look like?” When I told him, he nodded knowingly. “That’s most likely the culprit there.” He then explained how processed foods and harmful additives are aging my skin. Once I gave up those foods and replaced them with natural home-cooked meals, I gradually saw my aging signs disappear. It was as though I’d airbrushed my skin, simply by eliminating harmful foods from my diet.

Photo by Dovile Ramoskait for Unsplash

Since that moment, I’ve never looked back. I’m now passionate about clean eating that focuses on nutrient-rich meals that are a million times tastier than what you’ll find in a cardboard box.  If you want to turn back the clock and get that youthful glow back, cut these foods from your diet, like, yesterday.

Sugary Drinks

Unless you enjoy rocking dull skin and wrinkles for days, avoid those high-caloric, sugary drinks at all costs. Anything loaded with refined sugars (aka the unnatural kind) is hell on your health. You know how collagen is great for anti-aging? Well, just think of refined sugar as great for pro-aging

Some people get slightly confused about the difference between natural sugars and refined sugars. So, let me explain: Natural sugars should be a part of your daily diet. These authentic sweets can be found in a colorful variety of fruits and vegetables, such as bananas, strawberries, mangos, kiwi, and sweet potatoes. Meanwhile, refined sugars are found in processed snacks and desserts, like gummy bears, Chips Ahoy, and ice cream. When you look at the ingredients list, it will say a percentage next to “added sugars.”

But don’t worry! If you have a sweet tooth like me, there are tons of healthy, nutrient-rich ways to get your sugar fix without reaching for the Coca-Cola.  If you find yourself desperate for a sugary drink, what you’re really craving is water and the natural sugars derived from fruits. To kill two birds with one stone, why not whip up a refreshing fruit smoothie? 

My fave fruit smoothie recipe: 

1. Chop up two RIPE bananas and place them in a freezer-safe bowl. 

2. Add one cup of blueberries for additional flavor into the freezer-safe bowl. Pop the bowl into the freezer. For best results, be sure the fruit is frozen for at least two hours. 

3. After at least two hours have passed, add all the frozen fruit ingredients into a blender, before mixing it with your favorite non-dairy milk product. (I like almond milk best for this.) One cup is a good amount of milk, but feel free to add more, especially if you’re sharing with friends. 

This will taste just as good, if not better, than carbonated sodas and bevs.

Cookies & Chips

While it’s tempting to stock up your pantry with Oreos, Doritos, and Twizzlers, these popular snacks are slowly destroying your skin with every bite. Don’t let their sweet taste or the fun cartoon mascot deceive you – these treats are bad news. Packed with added chemicals, sugars, and the demon gluten, snack foods can clog up your arteries and wreak havoc on your appearance. 

To avoid these treats, shop on the perimeter of the grocery store isles where all the fresh foods and produce are stocked. Avoid the center aisles which hold the packaged and processed foods. While Butterfingers may be a yummy delight for all of 5 minutes, they take a massive toll on your overall health in the long run.

Instead, satiate your desires with these awesome Keto and Paleo-friendly recipes. 

Photo Credit: Aliona Gumeniuk, Unsplash 


Have you guys ever heard of “dairy face”? It’s what happens when you go a bit too hard on the cheese, milk, and yogurt – I know from first-hand experience. Dairy-face makes your skin look drab and can lead to pimples on the chin, forehead, and cheeks. (Yeah, I think I’ll pass.) 

When I realized the harmful effects dairy was having on my skin, I ditched it from my diet altogether. Once I cut out dairy products, I woke up every morning with a glow all over my face. Friends even asked if I’d just had a facial and wanted to know who my med-spa specialist is. 

Although I’ll eat cheese every so often on special occasions, for the most part, it’s gone from my day-to-day diet. As much as I used to love a fine slice of pizza, I barely even miss it now that I see the benefits of how removing it from my diet has improved my complexion.

Sodium-heavy Meals (Canned Soups, Takeout, Frozen Food)

When it comes to my appearance, my biggest nemesis is high-sodium foods. I once heard that nothing in the American diet needs extra salt since most pre-made and packaged meals are already packed with it.

Since I’m small in stature and have a round face to begin with, I can retain water pretty significantly. So, when I overdo it on high-sodium foods, it really shows. I get bloated, especially when I have overly salted meals like canned soups or Japanese takeout. This doesn’t come as too much of a surprise, since sodium is heavily linked to bloating, puffiness, and aged skin. Not fun!     

But if you love salty foods, there’s no reason for you to give up on it entirely. By seasoning homecooked meals made with real ingredients — like chicken, fish, and roasted veggies — you’ll get all the savory goodness you crave without the extra sodium you don’t need. 

Refined Carbs (White Bread, Pasta, Baked Goods)

Image via Unsplash

While you can indulge every once in a while, try not to base your diet on refined carbs. This is especially so when it comes to white, flour, and starchy foods — think white bread, pasta, and white rice. They’re notorious for inflammation, which causes bloating, redness, acne, and the breakdown of collagen and elasticity. 

So, listen. While it’s totally okay to enjoy a pizza or some ice cream every so often, try your best to primarily base your diet around home-cooked, organic meals. Studies suggest frequent home cooking is linked to a healthier diet and the consumption of less sugars, carbohydrates, and unwanted calories. Ready to turn back the clock while simultaneously boosting your overall health? Sign me up!